Neurosurgery Department

The Department of Neuro Surgery at Janta Care Hospital is equipped with facilities at par with the best in the world. The most modern technology and equipment is provided to cover the entire range of neurological diseases. Trans-sphenoidal surgery for pituitary tumor, spinal fusions for congenital and traumatic (CT scan & MRI for locating the target for functional neurosurgery) and intra-operative monitoring for different kinds of surgery are all being done on a routine basis.

Dedicated neurosurgical and neuro anaesthesia team

The department consists of Senior Consultant Neurosurgeons, each with their own associate consultants. There are dedicated neuroanaesthesiologists to run the anaesthesia services. Operating theatres with nursing staff and dedicated neurosurgical intensive care unit. Intra-operative electro physiological monitoring for spinal surgery, functional surgery and posterior fossa surgery is being carried out by an expert specially trained for intra-operative monitoring.


The Diagnostics department is fully complete with facilities for Computerised Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Angiography. All routine X-rays and ultrasound investigations are carried out here. The department of Radiology consists of Senior consultants, Associate consultants, Junior Consultants, Registrars and Sonologists.

Operating rooms

The neurosurgical theatres are ultra modern and equipped for all types of neurosurgical operations. Both theatres are equipped with the latest Machines.

Intensive care unit

The modern facility is equipped with the latest Modular invasive monitoring system (HP) and advanced life support equipment capable of managing complicated neurosurgical and neurological patients effectively. The nursing ratio is one to one. All associated specialists like respiratory physicians, nephrologists and endocrinologists are available round the clock.